Crystals as a verified transformative tool

Crystals are becoming more popular as the internet has provided many explanations as to their benefits.

The answers lie in a basic understanding of the quantum world. every element has a frequency and every chemical formula that makes up the crystalline structure of each stone has a mathematical and geometric structure. The crystals are divided into 7 different habit forms which all relate to the Platonic solids. The Platonic solids all have magical properties and are the building blocks of our physical reality. They are based in sacred geometry which is related to their axis of symmetry.“In nature, we find patterns, designs and structures from the most minuscule particles…to the greater cosmos. These inevitably follow geometrical archetypes, which reveal to us the nature of each form and its vibrational resonances. They are also symbolic of the underlying metaphysical principle of the inseparable relationship of the part to the whole…It is this principle of oneness underlying all geometry that permeates all form. This principle of interconnectedness, inseparability and union provides us with a continuous reminder of our relationship to the whole, a blueprint for the mind to the sacred foundation of all things created.”

Humans are bio organic beings which means that we are in a state of flux as far as frequency and vibration are concerned. Crystals are crystalline meaning that they have a stable frequency locked into their molecular structure and therefore the unstable vibration will always adopt the frequency of the stable vibration which means carrying a stone in your immediate space means you will adopt the frequency of the stone and your cells will start vibrating in harmony with the stone.

Each stone has a different frequency according to its chemical formula, the human body has different frequencies depending on which part of the body you are referring to. Take for example the throat area in its optimum state of health has exactly the same frequency as an aquamarine which is why if you have a sore throat and place an aqua near it your immune system will automatically adopt the frequency of the aqua and will initiate the immune system to vibrate in harmony with it.

Jo Williams